Mission Personnel Support
I specialise in providing counselling and support for mission personnel. If you are preparing to relocate overseas, returning from an overseas assignment or struggling with life on the mission field. Counselling and having specific time to prepare psychologically for an overseas assignment can help improve your ability to land more smoothly in your life overseas, return to your passport county with less of a bump or help you to adjust and improve the quality of cross-cultural living.
Having lived and worked overseas, I use my professional skills alongside my experience of living cross-culturally, to help you prepare for your overseas assignment, thrive on the field and return afterwards to your passport country. I aim to help you consider what your needs are to enjoy and thrive on the mission field, by identifying your risk factors and working with you to ensure you have a strong foundation of support and skills in place to cope with the stresses and strains of missionary life.
Pre-field Consultation
Consultation to discuss well being on the mission field and time to create your personal well being plan.
On the Field/Home Leave Review
We’ll use the time to discuss any areas of concern, how you are coping with cross-cultural living and we will review your well being action plan.
Re-Entry Consultation
An hour online consultation to review your preparations for re-entry into your passport country, using the RAFT model. The focus being on psychological preparations rather than practical. Usually we would arrange between 3 – 6 sessions, dependent upon your needs and situation.
Post Re-Entry Consultation/Debrief
An 1 1/2 hour consultation to discuss your overseas assignment and any outstanding issues that are important to you. We will also discuss how you are adjusting to life back in the UK, including reviewing your well being, support networks and identifying any areas that need additional attention.
Pastoral Supervision
Pastoral supervision is a regular, planned and confidential space to meet and explore issues arising from your work and ministry. Sessions are usually 60 mins and arranged every 4-6 weeks.
Online Counselling Support
An online counselling session via Zoom. Available on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Sessions can be one off if there is a specific issue that needs support otherwise 6 sessions are usually booked, with an evaluation in the fifth session and additional sessions arranged if necessary.
Counselling can help with the transition to and from overseas assignments brings a variety of different issues to move through. Mental and emotional preparation and processing of your transition experience can help to alleviate or reduce the problems that arise during this chaotic time.
saying goodbye to family & friends
culture shock & culture stress
relationship struggles
parenting overseas
identity ~ finding a new role
coping with bad news
decisions about returning
re-entry issues
anxiety and depression
compassion fatigue
Post Re-Entry Family debrief
I provide a creative 3 hour debrief for children returning from overseas assignment. These are usually arranged at your sending agencies head office.
Are you in Crisis?
If you are currently feeling suicidal or in immediate crisis or distress and need to talk to a counsellor right now, please contact Samaritans 116 123 or Befrienders Worldwide