Top Tips for working online
There are many advantages and certainly if you feel comfortable sending emails, enjoy Facebook or use Skype then accessing counselling online could be for you. There’s no need to travel, no car parking fees and you connect from the privacy of your own home or a private space at work.
However it’s important to be aware of some disadvantages so you can make an informed decision as to whether it’s the best choice for you.
Does not work well with crisis or emergencies.
Does not work well with serious emotional, physical or legal problems.
Technical problems with computer/laptop and internet can interrupt the counselling process.
There are issues of confidentiality if using a computer in a public place.
If you decide you want to give it a go, below you’ll find some top tips to make the most of your time online.
10 Top Tips
If you were meeting me in person, you’d probably walk or drive to the clinic I work from to meet. This would create some space to prepare for our meeting and afterwards time to reflect and gather yourself. Meeting online means it is very easy to log on immediately after another meeting and have other tabs up with your emails or work you have been engaged in.
To make the most of your counselling online aim to have 10-15 minutes to prepare for your online appointment.
Pop to the loo.
Get yourself a drink – glass of water or a warm drink (avoid alcohol and energy drinks)
Have some tissues to hand, just in case you feel emotional.
If you’re feeling anxious having a fluffy blanket or pillow to stroke can help you to self soothe.
Close your tabs on your laptop, so you aren’t distracted with email notifications, work related issues or websites you are looking at.
Turn off your phone or put it on silent, so you aren’t interrupted.
Make sure you’re in a private, quiet space that you won’t be interrupted by other people. It’s best not to sit in a room where other people have to pass through to get somewhere.
If other people are in the house – remind them you have a meeting. You might even want to put a note on your door, in case people forget.
Check your camera – make sure you’re happy and comfortable with what I’m seeing behind you.
It can be helpful to have a headset, this can improve call quality and give some added privacy.
Are you in Crisis?
If you are currently feeling suicidal or in immediate crisis or distress and need to talk to a counsellor right now, please contact Samaritans 116 123 or Befrienders Worldwide